Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We have arrived!

We are now in Auckland, New Zealand after 22 hours of traveling.  We are tired but will not sleep until we are supposed to.  We will be here 2 full days and then off to Tonga.  That will be Thursday for you and Friday for us.  We are staying in a very nice hotel with a beautiful view of the Auckland Harbor.  It is spring here so everything is green and blossoms everywhere.  New Zealand is a very beautiful place.  We will go to lunch with our directors and then have some training this afternoon.  Tomorrow will be a full day of training.  We will be back here in May or June for about 2 weeks so we will be able to see the sights then.  Love you all.  We will let you know when we are in Tonga but for now we are tired, happy and safe and sound.
Mom and Dad

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