Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goodbye, adios, dasvidania, and ALU - A!!

We made it to Salt Lake and have a 4 hour lay over so we can say goodbye once again before we leave the country.  We go to LA tonight at 6 and then fly out from there at 10 pm MST.  We leave with hopeful hearts and also a bit tender as we think about times we will miss.  So, let's pray for each other and skype often, please!!
We will be in the air 13 hours and when we will wake up (assuming we will be able to sleep) and it will be Wednesday morning for us.  We actually skip Tuesday somehow.  Go figure. 
   We just want to say thank you for being such a blessing and support to us as we leave!  We've had the sweetest memories this past summer and that will last us a long time!  We've been able to observe each of your families and what a great job you are doing, and how busy you are and you probably won't even have time to miss us.  :-)  And we hope to be busy as well so that time will fly. You ARE the BESTEST!!!  Guess it's time for  us to fly also.  LOL!!
Love and blessings,
Ma and Pa
PS.  Where is this scripture found??  "This is the day which the Lord has given us,  we will rejoice in it and be glad!!"

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