Thursday, October 24, 2013

Malo e leilei

This is sometimes a frustrating way to communicate, but it is all we have for now. Just wanted to share some experiences.  Some interesting things we are dealing with are:
 1.  a few jumping bugs . . . they are at least small.  But scare me to death when they jump.
2.  We get water in a HUGE barrel that catches all the rain, which happens almost daily..  Then it is filtered 3 times for us to drink.  But imagine washing hair and clothes in soft rain water.  It is nice! 
3.  Windows are ALL just glass slats over screens.  We can close them a little, but it is like living in a screen door and we welcome a breeze! 
4.  Went to buy temple clothing and smallest size was 18.  But, it has a tie in the back so that I can look less "tent-like"  But all the clothing at the distribution center here is very inexpensive so we bought our stuff instead of renting it.  On Thursday evenings, they have an English session so that's where we'll be every Thursday evening. 
5.  We had a facilities maintenance elderly man show up so that we could have a light in our bathroom, as we have been using a lamp there.  He stayed for hours and had lunch with us and became our friend.  In his broken English, he thanked us for coming to teach his people and is big brown eyes teared up and so ours did too and we told him that his people teach us also.  They are loving, friendly and they like to laugh.   They like to laugh out loud and it comes from deep within like their singing and their spirits. 
That's all, just a little update.
Love, MOM

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