Monday, October 7, 2013

MTC- Ready or Not

Dear friends and family,   Here we go again and ARE most anxious to finally get going as we have had our mission call for 5 months now.  We arrived on September 30th and will fly out on October 14th to Tonga at last. 
Just a short overview of MTC for tonight's update on our journey so far.

MTC STATS THIS WEEK:  Large group of 120 seniors, combined with last week's 60 made it the largest group of seniors yet.  There are 2500 missionaries here this week and another 900 at West campus (RainTree apts. converted to MTC )  773 missionaries will depart tomorrow and Wednesday they will receive about 500 more.  We have a mental picture of watching them eat that  can hardly be described.  Wondrous feat!!

Well we made it through our first week at the MTC and the daily 8 hours of Preach My Gospel" training -  and then yesterday and today was a constant feast of food and spirit.  We had the sessions of conference, and also 3 extra meetings and devotionals.  We were so overcome with emotions so many times we felt like a balloon expanding until it is ready to burst.  Truly an overload and we humbly give thanks for this time here! One young sister described MTC as My Time with Christ.    It has been a needed boost to launch us into our mission.
THIS WEEKS QUOTE:  Missionaries leave their families for a short time, so that others can be with their families forever!
Our love and blessings to you,
Elder & Sister John and Marsha Aland

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