Wednesday, March 5, 2014


FEBRUARY 2014 Missionary History from Elder and Sister Aland: (from Tongatapu)   The month of February has come and gone and we have been very busy so it has flown.  But, as we review, here are some of the events that stand out:  School began for the 2014 year on January 27, so classes for teachers began the next week, February 3rd.  Elder Aland  is teaching classes to and monitoring 14 students and Sister Aland 15.

#3 TONGAN WEDDING RECEPTION:  One of our favorite people here is Vika Kaufusi.   She is one of the Liahona High School counselors.  She gave us a personal invitation to come to a “traditional Tongan wedding reception”  Words can hardly describe this event. So we will share a picture and just tell you it was a feast like no other 22 tables of food including 30+ piglets and 2 hogs and 1 full beef, they had stacks of quilts and woven mats to present from both sides of the family and in the end, they gave US a quilt just for attending.  To say that it was “over the top” doesn’t even do it justice.  Here are a few pictures:

#2 Sister Aland and Sister Meyers and Sister Funaki also continue to teach piano lessons to students using the Harman Grant program to be able to award needed keyboards to students willing to accept callings in their ward.  We had another recital last month and awarded a keyboard to 3 sisters.  The oldest of the Tolutau sisters,  Kaveinga Tolutau, is leaving on a mission to Australia in April and anxious to use her new skill.  She expressed her thanks at the end of the recital and said that playing the piano had always been just a dream she has had since she was very young.  Then thanked us for making the dream come true.  It was a very rewarding experience.

#1 ELDER ANDERSEN’S VISIT:  We felt very grateful to be able to have an apostle in our midst and be able to glean so much from him, as well as be edified by his presence and the keys he holds.  He spoke with us on 3 occasions – one by telecom from NZ which was a very personal message to church employees as well as CES missionaries.  The second was at the cultural event here in Tonga where the youth from 14 stakes gathered together and performed 6 traditional dances from the Tongan culture.  It was magnificent in costume and performance.  It was amazing, inspiring and much appreciated by all.  His comments to the youth that evening were two-fold.  1:  Remember with practice and diligence you can accomplish something amazing.  And 2:  Remember that unified, together you are better than alone.  I am sure these 2500+ youth will never forget this experience.  Thirdly, we were able to meet with he and his sweet wife as they spoke to us as missionaries.  We were able to shake hands with them both.  It was very uplifting and we feel blessed to be here during this great historical event for us and these good Tongan saints. 

                                THERE WERE 350+ YOUTH FROM OUR STAKE – IT WAS AMAZING!!
Much love and blessings,
E/S Aland, Ma & Pa, John  & Marsha